Panama: Darien Gap Crossings Down 35% in 2024

Above: Migrants arrive at the Reception Center for Migrant Care in Lajas Blancas, in the jungle province of Darien, Panama, on June 28, 2024. Image copyright: Martin Bernetti/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Recent data indicates that the number of migrants crossing the Darien Gap has decreased by 35% from January to Sept. 25 in comparison to the same period last year.

  • The first nine months of 2024 saw nearly 260K migrants enter Panama via Darien, according to Panama's National Border Service. President José Raul Mulino has blocked jungle transit routes and increased deportations with US assistance since entering office on July 1.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

This is evidence of the success of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' plan to reduce the number of illegal migrants crossing the US-Mexico border via collaboration with Mexico and other Central American countries. Biden has banned asylum for illegal migrants who crossed the border and has fulfilled his promise to decrease the flow of illegal migrants passing through Panama's Darien Gap. Biden is committed to ending this illegal activity.

Republican narrative

Despite these numbers — and despite a Biden promise to prevent the flow of a record number of illegal migrants heading toward the US-Mexican border — the US continues to experience a catastrophic border crisis. The Biden administration is responsible for border security, law enforcement, and ensuring the safety of Americans. Unfortunately for them, history will remember them for their complete failure.

Establishment-critical narrative

At first, this policy may seem like a good idea. Yet, it is doomed to fail and force vulnerable people further into the hands of human trafficking gangs. Desperate migrants flee either poverty or persecution, so they are already willing to take significant risks on their journey to the US border. Blocking this route will only drive them further underground and possibly taking more dangerous routes.

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