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10 US States Hold Abortion Referendums

Above: Staten Island residents cast their ballots during the general election on Nov. 5, 2024, at Our Lady of Pitty School in Staten Island, New York. Image copyright: Luiz C. Ribeiro/Contributor/New York Daily News/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Ten US states held referendum votes on abortion during the 2024 US election on Tuesday, seven of which voted to expand or retain abortion rights while three voted to uphold abortion restrictions.

  • Two of the seven pro-choice outcomes were in Missouri, which overturned its previous total ban and codified the right to abortion up to fetal viability, and Arizona, which voted to overturn its previous 15-week ban and protect abortion up to viability.

  • Nebraska saw two opposing measures, including one that would "establish a right to abortion until fetal viability," which failed, while passing the second to uphold its 12-week ban.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Florida, South Dakota, and Nebraska have shown a heroic willingness to protect the unborn, and they should be applauded nationwide. Some of these pro-choice measures didn't even use the words "mother" or "women," let alone "baby," which shows what the pro-life movement was up against. Hopefully, more states will be encouraged to follow suit in the fight for life.

Democratic narrative

While a few states sadly failed to codify reproductive rights, it's important to recognize the majority of abortion ballots that were successful. Even the red state of Missouri chose to protect women's rights, which shows how much Americans care about this issue. The same would've also occurred in Florida had the Republican-led legislature not required an unreasonable 60% threshold.

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