At around midnight Wednesday morning, violence broke out at a pro-Palestine encampment on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Counter-demonstrators reportedly attacked the encampment with fireworks, wood, and metal barriers, while those inside the encampment countered with planks of wood and pepper spray.
At the request of the university, police arrived at the campus at around 1:50 a.m. (local time) and began breaking up the violence by about 3:30 a.m.
These protesters have a First Amendment right to have their opinions heard and to be protected from violence. That vigilantes — espousing pro-Israel and "back the blue" chants — were able to stage an attack on UCLA's campus while police waited hours to respond, is a sign that protesters on every campus may not be safe — a clear violation of what it means to be American. Student protestors supporting anti-war, pro-Palestinan points of view must be heard.
Cultural Marxism has invaded college campuses across the country through the faculty and administration, and these protesters' minds have been infected. Much of this worldview is being expressed in antisemitic, anti-Israel words and actions that are putting Jewish students in danger. It's a shame that it's come to this, but many of these protesters must be arrested and prosecuted.
The media is ignoring the majority of students who are not involved in these protests and hold diverse perspectives on the matter. Many students believe their peers should be allowed to protest peacefully, but also agree that a line should be drawn at violent riots. The college experience should absolutely include political protests, as long as they remain peaceful.