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Haiti Transitional Council Names New Prime Minister

Image copyright: Richard Pierrin/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, Haiti's newly established transitional council chose former Sports Minister Fritz Bélizaire as the country's new prime minister in a significant step towards establishing a stable new government amid rampant gang violence.

  • Four of seven council members with voting rights backed Bélizaire as the successor to Michel Patrick Boisvert, the former Minister of Economy and Finance, who acted as interim Prime Minister, following the formal resignation of Ariel Henry last week.

  • The nine-member council was sworn in last week with the goal of ending dysfunction in Haiti's government. On Tuesday, it named former Senate Pres. Edgard Leblanc Fils as chairman during a televised ceremony.

The Spin

Narrative A

The Council's decision to appoint Bélizaire as prime minister is a solid choice that will help bridge political divisions and contribute to stabilizing Haiti. Security is now paramount as Haitians demand decisive action to quell rampant gang violence. Bélizaire has the necessary experience and influence to handle this monumental task successfully and lead Haiti to a brighter future.

Narrative B

Bélizaire's appointment not only surprised many Haitians but also threatened to fracture the recently installed Transitional Council. With his election, the council's political accord has been undermined by the very forces responsible for Haiti's collapse. Haiti cannot afford further political instability, leaving criminal gangs in control of much of the country. If the decision is not challenged, Haitians face a bleak future.

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