Sudan Army, RSF Sign 7-Day Ceasefire

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The Facts

  • On Saturday, the Sudanese army (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) signed a seven-day ceasefire to restore essential services following weeks of violence. The peace will reportedly be enforced by a US-Saudi "ceasefire monitoring mechanism."

  • Starting Monday evening, the warring sides will allow aid groups to provide lifesaving assistance and will themselves refrain from occupying critical infrastructure such as hospitals and detaining or threatening civilians.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Since the break out of conflict in Sudan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has worked hard to stamp out violence, bring about a peaceful solution, and provide safe passage for humanitarian aid. The US is doing its part in enabling diplomatic resolution and committing itself to supporting refugees until a ceasefire or permanent agreement is reached.

Establishment-critical narrative

Though the US and Saudi Arabia have brokered this ceasefire, it is undeniable that Washington has significant responsibility for the outbreak of fighting in Sudan. The US failed to rein in the country's top generals when mounting tensions between forces led by Burhan and Dagalo indicated that a prolonged conflict was likely to erupt; facilitating a truce is the least US leaders can do for the region given this negligence.

Cynical narrative

Each warring side in Sudan is still battling for supremacy over the country, which indicates they're in no way serious about these ceasefires or peace talks. If the two continue to see each other as an existential threat, it will be impossible to find the middle ground necessary to stop the fighting and prevent the nation from being destroyed.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split