The Facts

  • In a move aiming to further pressure the Kremlin's fossil fuel earnings and reduce Europe's dependence on Russian energy — which previously accounted for 10% of Europe's diesel — the EU on Sunday imposed a ban on Russian diesel fuel and other refined oil products.

  • This follows a Group of Seven (G7) countries' agreement to cap diesel, jet fuel, and petrol at $100 per barrel. This will allow Russia to sell to China and India to avoid sudden worldwide price jumps while also reducing Moscow's profits to fund its war.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Economic sanctions have certainly made life difficult for Putin, but they'll never work to end the war on Kyiv's terms. The only thing that will work is providing more military assistance to the Ukrainian army. The West has a moral responsibility to step up and equip Ukraine with the armaments and defenses it needs to fend off Russia once and for all.

Pro-Russia narrative

The US's ultimate goal and reason for supporting Ukraine is to isolate and weaken Russia; NATO's expansion has always been aimed at controlling the Baltic Sea and with it Russia's means of exporting resources. Though neoconservatives have tried hard to isolate Russia completely — e.g. potentially disrupting the Nordstream pipeline — the nations of the world won't overhaul their economies just to cave to US hegemony.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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