The Australian Federal Police (AFP) seized 2.34 metric tons of cocaine, worth AU$760M ($494M), after a recreational fishing vessel broke down 18 kilometers (11 miles) off Queensland's coast, leading to the arrest of 13 suspects.
The operation began last month after receiving intelligence that the Comanchero motorcycle gang was planning to import drugs, prompting a joint investigation between federal and Queensland police.
The smugglers attempted two separate boat operations to retrieve cocaine from a mothership in international waters, both of which experienced mechanical failures. Police raided the second vessel while it was stranded, but the mothership was not caught.
This cocaine bust underscores Australia's intensified efforts to combat drug smuggling. While the government prevented almost 12M cocaine sales through just one boat operation, private groups like Crime Stoppers Australia are educating the public on how they can help — resulting in hundreds of arrests and significant asset seizures. Australia is where drug crime comes to an end.
While the government should be applauded for conducting successful drug busts, that doesn't take away the fact that crime within Australian borders is still on the rise. From biker gang violence to armed robberies at retail shops, the police have been ordered by politicians not to stop these crimes. If these trends continue, Australia faces a future of debilitating social disorder.