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Snapshot 3:Fri, Nov 29, 2024 4:35:34 PM GMT last edited by KateHennig

IAEA Report: Iran Plans to Expand Nuclear Program

IranIAEA ExpandsReport: NuclearIran Program,Plans Hintsto atExpand WeaponsNuclear Policy ShiftProgram

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The Facts

  • The International Atomic Energy Agency's confidential report revealed Iran's intention to enrich uranium up to 5% purity using eight IR-6 centrifuge cascades recently installed at Fordow, adding to its existing infrastructure of over 10,000 operating centrifuges.Iran has announced plans to install 32 new cascades of centrifuges at its Fordow and Natanz facilities, including an unprecedented array of 1,152 advanced IR-6 machines, significantly expanding its uranium enrichment capabilities.

  • This expansion follows a censure resolution passed by the 35-nation IAEA Board of Governors, which urged Tehran to increase cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog and provide explanations for uranium particles found at undeclared sites.On Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency's confidential report claimed that Iran plans to enrich uranium up to 5% purity using eight IR-6 centrifuge cascades recently installed at Fordow, adding to its existing infrastructure of over 10K operating centrifuges.

  • Iran's foreign minister Abbas Araghchi suggested that reimposing UN sanctions could push Tehran to reconsider its nuclear doctrine, marking a potential shift in the country's long-standing position on nuclear weapons development.This expansion follows a censure resolution passed by the 35-nation IAEA Board of Governors, which urged Tehran to increase cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog and provide explanations for uranium particles found at undeclared sites.

The Spin

Iran'sThe expansion of nuclear expansioncapabilities andis hintsa atlegitimate doctrineresponse changesto representWestern dangerousfailures escalationin thatupholding couldcommitments leadunder tothe weapons2015 development.nuclear Thedeal installationand ofcontinued advancedsanctions centrifugespressure. andThe increasedprogram enrichmentremains capabilitiespeaceful, combinedand withIran lackmaintains ofits cooperationright withto IAEAdevelop inspectors,nuclear raisestechnology seriousfor proliferationcivilian concernspurposes.

Iran's nuclear expansion and hints at doctrine changes represent dangerous escalation that could lead to weapons development. The installation of advanced centrifuges and increased enrichment capabilities — combined with a lack of cooperation with IAEA inspectors — raises serious proliferation concerns.

Metaculus Prediction

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