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UK: Thousands Attend Farmers Protest Over Inheritance Tax in London

UK: Thousands Attend Farmers Protest Over Inheritance Tax in London

Above: Demonstrators listen to speakers during a farmers' protest against inheritance tax rules for land ownership, outside of Downing Street, on Whitehall in central London on November 19, 2024. Image copyright: Wiktor Szymanowicz/Future Publishing via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Thousands have attended a march in London to protest the UK Government's recent policy announcement concerning inheritance tax for farmers.

  • During October's Autumn Budget, it was announced that a 20% inheritance tax will apply to agricultural and business property worth over £1M (US$1.3M) from April 2026. The UK Government has stated that, alongside other inheritance exemptions, a couple with farmland may be apply to pass on up to £3M ($3.8M) tax-free.

  • Whilst the Treasury has estimated that this will not impact 72% of farms, estimating 500 estates a year will pay the new tax, the National Farmers' Union (NFU) has used Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) figures to claim 66% of farm business have a net value of over £1M.

The Spin

The UK GovernmentLabour's plandecision to raisefinally implement inheritance tax on farmers is athe stabright indecision. theData backshows tothat industry.only Havingthe describedwealthiest theof policyfarmers aswill "desperatebe nonsense"affected, beforeand the Generalnew Electionrate andis nowonly attemptinghalf toof misleadingwhat the publicaverage withmember dodgyof treasurythe statistics,public itmust ispay clearwhen thatfacing therethe isinheritance nothingbill. LabourWealthy won'tfarmers doare in pursuituproar ofonly because their socialistloophole Farmershas arebeen theclosed backbone ofmore Britishmoney society,must andbe unlessraised to fix the GovernmentUK's rightlybroken backtrackseconomy, onand thiscomplaints policyfrom UKthe farmsfarming willindustry fallshould likeremain dominosat andthe unrestTories willfor onlytheir continuecrippling topost-Brexit growpolicies.

The UK Government's plan to raise inheritance tax on farmers is a stab in the back to industry. Having described the policy as "desperate nonsense" before the General Election and now attempting to misleading the public with dodgy treasury statistics, it is clear that there is nothing Labour won't do in pursuit of their socialist ideology. Farmers are the backbone of British society, and unless the Government rightly backtracks on this policy UK farms will fall like dominos and unrest will only continue to grow.

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