Zeldin, who served four terms in Congress representing Long Island, has a lifetime score of just 14% from the League of Conservation Voters and previously questioned the severity of global warming in 2014.Pres.-elect Donald Trump has selected former New York Representative Lee Zeldin, 44, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, making this his second Cabinet appointment for his upcoming administration.
The nominee previously served in the U.S. Army between 2003 and 2007, holds a law degree from Albany Law School, and recently chaired the Trump-aligned America First Policy Institute's China Policy Initiative.Zeldin, who served four terms in Congress representing Long Island, has a lifetime score of 14% from the League of Conservation Voters, questions the severity of global warming, and doesn't support the Paris climate agreement.
The selectionappointment ofsignals a nomineestrong withcommitment minimalto environmentalunleashing policyAmerican experiencebusiness andpotential athrough poorenvironmental conservationderegulation votingwhile recordmaintaining threatenshigh tostandards undofor crucialclean climateair progress and environmental protectionswater. ThisZeldin's appointmentlegal demonstratesbackground aand clearexperience intentionmake tohim prioritizewell-suited corporateto interestsnavigate overcomplex publicregulatory healthchallenges and environmentalrestore safetyAmerican energy dominance.
The selection of a nominee with minimal environmental policy experience and a poor conservation voting record threatens to undo crucial climate progress and environmental protections. This appointment demonstrates a clear intention to prioritize corporate interests over public health and environmental safety.