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Pakistan: Schools Close in Lahore as Air Pollution Hits Record Level

Pakistan: Schools closeClose in Lahore as pollutionAir hitsPollution recordHits levelRecord Level

Above: Cyclists ride along a street as they participate in an awareness campaign against smog and pollution in Lahore on November 3, 2024. Image copyright: Arif Ali/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Due to record high air pollution, touching 1900 in the air quality index (AQI), Pakistan's second-largest city, Lahore, closed its elementary schools for a week and issued work-from-home mandates.Due to record high air pollution, Pakistan's second-largest city, Lahore, closed its elementary schools for a week and issued work-from-home orders.

  • Lahore made the list of the world's most polluted cities for the second time on Sunday. The city's "green lockdown" policy involved banning engine-powered rickshaws and sellers using unfiltered grills.

  • Since last month, hazardous gray smog has affected tens of thousands of people with respiratory and other ailments, primarily children and the elderly, as air quality in Lahore deteriorated. Over the weekend, the city's air quality index hit 1,000.Since last month, hazardous gray smog has affected tens of thousands of people with respiratory and other ailments — primarily children and the elderly — as air quality in Lahore deteriorated.

The Spin

Thick,This toxicdangerous smog hasevent engulfedis Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city, for over a week, reaching record pollution levels over the weekend that were up to 15 times higher than what's is deemed healthy. Industrial emissions, and from trucks and cars trapped over the city by the cold winter air, have worsened the already poor air quality. This dire situation has forced authorities to take drastic measures, suchin asdiscussions closingof schools"smog anddiplomacy" requiringbetween peoplePakistan toand workIndia. fromA home.transnational Thesolution severityin ofgood thefaith problemis hasrequired led to discussionsfully oftackle "smogthis diplomacy"health between Pakistan and Indiathreat.

AuthoritiesPakistan inhas Lahoreblamed areIndia addressingfor thea pollutionmajor problemrole byin orderingthe facesmog masksemergency. forThere allare 14Mopportunities residents.for The"smog WHOdiplomacy" warnsto thatultimately prolongedenhance exposurebilateral torelations PMbut, 2.5before canany leadbreakthroughs tocan seriousbe health issuesreached, includingPakistan strokes,has heartuncomfortable disease,grievances respiratorythat problems,must andbe lung cancerheard. ToxicIndia smoghas levelsnot affectproperly approximatelyenforced 600Magricultural peopleburning inand Southfirecracker Asia,bans and poorPakistan airwill qualitymake isit accountableclear forthat 50%it ofis allon childhoodthe pneumoniareceiving fatalities.end Solvingof thisdownstream seriousimpacts problemof isthese imperativepolicies.

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