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Snapshot 8:Mon, Nov 4, 2024 10:07:22 AM GMT last edited by Vandita

Iran Student Arrested After Stripping to Protest Moral Police Harassment

IranianIran WomanStudent ParalyzedArrested inAfter PoliceStripping Shootingto OverProtest HijabMoral LawPolice Harassment

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The Facts

  • A female student Saturday stripped to her underclothes outside a Tehran university in apparent protest against being harassed by Iran's moral police who reportedly ripped her headscarf and clothes. Video recordings showed authorities taking away the woman in a car.

  • Personnel of the voluntary Basij paramilitary force — reportedly a part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and a US-designated terrorist group — harassed the woman for flouting Iran's dress code. State-run Fars news agency said security personnel had “calmly” talked to her.

  • However, the university stated that the woman — some media platforms identified her as one Ahoo Daryaei — suffered mental health issues and that campus security had handed her over to authorities. A student newsletter reporting on the matter said she was injured during arrest.

The Spin

TheEvery Westernday, narrativeIranian onwomen Iran'sdemonstrate dressextraordinary codecourage controversiesby exposessimply achoosing familiarhow hypocrisy:to itdress, paintsknowing Iranianthey womenrisk asarrest, oppressedviolence, byor hijabworse. lawsTwo whileyears failingafter toJina addressMahsa itsAmini's owndeath restrictivesparked policies.the WesternWoman, mediaLife, oftenFreedom presentsmovement, women continue to resist the mandatory hijab aslaw thedespite soleintensified symbolpressure ofand Iraniana women'sharsh struggle,new reducing"hijab theirand callschastity" forbill. autonomyThey toface anthis “anti-Islam”oppression stance.not Yet,just infrom Francethe government, Muslimbut womenalso arethrough bannedfines fromimposed wearingon hijabs,businesses athat starkserve parallelthem ofand the sameimpounding controlof Westernvehicles mediathat condemnstransport abroadthem. TrueYet solidaritythey wouldpersist, meanreclaiming respectingtheir women’sbodily rightautonomy toin choosecities and whetherrural veiledareas oralike, unveiledshowing that andIranian acknowledgingsociety thehas complexevolved socio-politicalfar roots beyond theits hijabrestrictive laws.

ThereThe isWestern narrative on Iran's dress code controversies exposes a 50%familiar chancehypocrisy: thatit Iranpaints willIranian ceasewomen as oppressed by hijab laws while failing to beaddress its own restrictive policies. Western media often presents the hijab as the sole symbol of Iranian women's struggle, reducing their calls for autonomy to an Islamic“anti-Islam” Republicstance. byYet, Mayin 2041France, accordingMuslim women are banned from wearing hijabs, a stark parallel of the same control Western media condemns abroad. True solidarity would mean respecting women’s right to choose — whether veiled or unveiled — and acknowledging the Metaculuscomplex predictionsocio-political communityroots beyond the hijab.

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