A female student Saturday stripped to her underclothes outside a Tehran university in apparent protest against being harassed by Iran's moral police who reportedly ripped her headscarf and clothes. Video recordings showed authorities taking away the unidentified woman in a car.A female student Saturday stripped to her underclothes outside a Tehran university in apparent protest against being harassed by Iran's moral police who reportedly ripped her headscarf and clothes. Video recordings showed authorities taking away the woman in a car.
News and social media channels reported personnel of the voluntary Basij paramilitary group harassing the woman allegedly for not following Iran's mandatory dress code for women. State-run Fars news agency claimed security personnel had “calmly talked” to her about her dress.Personnel of the voluntary Basij paramilitary force — reportedly a part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and a US-designated terrorist group — harassed the woman for flouting Iran's dress code. State-run Fars news agency said security personnel had “calmly” talked to her.
Officers first fired at the vehicle's tires before shooting into the car, resulting in injuries to Badri's lung and spine, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran.However, the university stated that the woman — some media platforms identified her as one Ahoo Daryaei — suffered mental health issues and that campus security had handed her over to authorities. A student newsletter reporting on the matter said she was injured during arrest.
The police action represents an escalation of force against women, turning hijab violations into capital offenses that warrant deadly force, effectively waging a war on women's rights and personal freedoms.
Law enforcement followed proper protocol by first attempting to stop the vehicle with tinted windows, issuing warning shots, and targeting the tires before taking further action against a non-compliant suspect.