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Study Calls 'Infinite Monkey Theorem' Into Question

Study Calls 'Infinite Monkey Theorem' Into Question

Above: A local monkey besides the 16th tee prior to the Barbados Legends hosted by Ian Woosnam at Apes Hill Barbados on May 02, 2024, in Holetown, Saint James, Barbados. Image copyright: Phil Inglis/Stringer/Getty Images Sport via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A study published in the journal Franklin Open questioned the "Infinite Monkeys Theorem," which states that an infinite number of monkeys, given infinite time, would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare by typing randomly on a keyboard.

  • The study's authors say that while the theory is statistically possible, it doesn't account for finite time and resources, and thus is "misleading." Therefore, they re-evaluated the theory by adjusting for when the universe will end and how the monkey population.The study's authors say that while the theory is statistically possible, it doesn't account for finite time and resources, and thus is "misleading." Instead, they tested the theory by adjusting for when the universe will end and how the monkey population.

  • Using the chimpanzee population of 200K — each with a 30-year lifespan and typing one letter per second — with a time limit for the estimated "heat death of the universe," the researchers found the chances of Shakespeare's works being written were effectively zero.Using a constant chimpanzee population of 200K — each with a 30-year lifespan and typing one letter per second — with a time limit for the estimated "heat death of the universe," the researchers found the chances of Shakespeare's works being written were effectively zero.

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