Georgian Pres. Salome Zourabichvili has called for protests outside parliament on Monday after the country's ruling party, Georgian Dream, secured 54% of the vote in Saturday's disputed parliamentary election.The country's electoral commission said that the Georgian Dream had won 89 seats in the 150-seat parliament — far more than the 76 needed to form a government and appoint a prime minister.
The country's electoral commission said that the Georgian Dream had won 89 seats in the 150-seat parliament — far more than the 76 needed to form a government and appoint a prime minister.Two exit polls — by Edison and HarrisX — put the opposition ahead of the Georgian Dream, 51.9% to 40.9% and 48% to 42%, respectively. A third poll by Imedi TV found that the ruling party would win with 56% of the votes.
Georgia's opposition parties — Gvaramia, Melia, Girchi, and Droa — have claimed that the elections were "stolen" and will share evidence of election fraud with "local and international observers."Cases of physical altercations were reported at multiple polling stations across the country, with voting being suspended at a polling station in Marneuli's 69th precint due to the violence.
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