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DNA Reveals Columbus Was Sephardic Jew, Scientists Claim

DNA Reveals Columbus Was Sephardic Jew, Scientists Claim

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The Facts

  • The research, led by forensic expert Miguel Lorente, involved testing samples from remains in Seville Cathedral and comparing them with DNA from known relatives and descendants of the explorer.Spanish scientists have concluded a 22-year probe into Christopher Columbus's origins, using DNA analysis, to determine he was a Sephardic Jew from Western Europe.

  • The findings, announced in a documentary titled "Columbus DNA: The true origin" on Spain's national broadcaster TVE, challenge the traditional theory that Columbus was from Genoa, Italy.The researchers also confirmed that the explorer's remains are interred in Seville Cathedral in Spain, settling a long-standing debate about their authenticity.

  • Lorente's team found traits compatible with Jewish origin in both the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of Columbus's son, Hernando Colón.They tested samples from the remains of Columbus, who died in Valladolid, Spain, in 1506, comparing them with DNA from his known relatives and descendants.

The Spin

TheThis DNAgroundbreaking analysis,discovery whilesheds intriguing,new doesn'tlight definitivelyon prove Columbus's Jewishbackground heritageand orpotentially birthplace.explains Multiplehis theoriesmotivations aboutfor hisexploration. originsThe stillJewish exist,connection andcould morehave researchinfluenced ishis neededworldview toand conclusivelydecision-making determineduring his backgroundvoyages. TheIt's findingsa maygame-changer befor overstatedhistorical and should be approached with cautionunderstanding.

The DNA analysis, while intriguing, doesn't definitively prove Columbus's Jewish heritage or birthplace. Multiple theories about his origins still exist, and more research is needed to conclusively determine his background. The findings may be overstated and should be approached with caution.

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