During Tuesday's vice-presidential debate between Republican Sen. J.D. Vance and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, in an all-caps social media post said he would veto a national abortion ban.During Tuesday's vice-presidential debate between Republican Sen. JD Vance and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, in an all-caps social media post, said he would veto a national abortion ban.
He further wrote that abortion laws would be "up to the states to decide based on the will of their voters," adding that he "fully" supports exceptions for "rape, incest, and the life of the mother."
Trump also emphasized his opposition to abortions in the "7th, 8th, or 9th month" of pregnancy, repeating the controversial claim that Democrats support the "execution of the baby after birth," referring to those born alive after a failed abortion.
It's no surprise that Democrats continue lyingto lie about Trump's position on abortion considering their candidates' shaky record on this issue. Trump's position has always been that abortion restrictions should be decided by the states, and now he's repeated that again for all to see. Women currently have access to necessary medical treatments in all 50 states and that's not going to change if Trump returns to the White House.
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ThereTrump shouldn'st abe 12%allowed chanceto ofget aaway USwith nationalflip-flopping on abortion. banHe beforeproudly Jan.appointed 1three 2030Supreme ifCourt Trumpjustices isto electedhelp presidentoverturn comparedRoe tov. aWade. 1%His chancecampaign ifhas hebeen loses,tied according to the Metaculusradically predictionanti-abortion communityagenda, Project 2025. And his party is publicly vocal about its opposition to reproductive rights.