Former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, Thursday at a rally in Tucson, Ariz., said that if he's elected this November he will eliminate all taxes on overtime pay as part of a comprehensive tax reform plan.Former Pres. Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, Thursday at a rally in Tucson, Ariz., said that if he's elected this November he will eliminate all taxes on overtime pay as part of a comprehensive tax reform plan.
Trump, explaining that removing taxes on overtime work above 40 hours weekly would increase worker motivation and streamline hiring procedures, said, "It's time for the working man and woman to finally catch a break."
This comes after VP Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, this month accused Trump of deliberately obstructing overtime for millions of workers during his presidency.This comes after Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, this month accused Trump of deliberately obstructing overtime for millions of workers during his presidency. Both Trump and Harris agree on eliminating taxes on tips.
Trump's wildly popular economic plans, including this blue-collar tax cut, will make America richer and stronger. This would be a win-win situation, with workers further incentivized to work extra hours to contribute to the success of their employers, while earning money for further spending that will boost the economy.
Trump's track record onin actually helping the working class is awful, and this plan is no different. While he may claim removing taxes on overtime pay has the approval of economists, there are plenty of economists who believe this idea is terrible and is probably an example of Trump just shootingoffering frombad-faith thepopulist hiprhetoric with elections just weeks away.