On Monday, Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa presented a court proposal to the International Criminal Court (ICC), requesting the classification of environmental destruction, or "ecocide," as a crime on par with war crimes and genocide.
According to the proposal, ecocide is defined in the proposal as "unlawful or wanton acts, committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment, being caused by those acts."
Vanuatu was the first nation to request for ICC ecocide designation in 2019. According to the country's special envoy for climate change, Ralp Regenvanu, legal recognition of ecocide is an important step towards justice and deterring further environmental destruction.Vanuatu was reportedly the first nation to request the ICC ecocide designation in 2019. According to the country's special envoy for climate change, Ralp Regenvanu, legal recognition of ecocide is an important step towards justice and deterring further environmental destruction.
Ecocide, the destruction of nature, should be a global crime. RevisingAn theICC Romedesignation Statutewould ofenable the ICCParis wouldAgreement criminalizeto environmentalforce devastation,nations theto fourthreduce mostemissions. lucrativeA unlawfulglobal activityclimate inemergency thewould world,require whichnations coststo $258Bmodify annually.laws This— designationexisting wouldregulations enablewon't save the Parisplanet. AgreementFor toPacific forceIsland nations tolike reduceFiji, emissions.Vanuatu, Aand globalSamoa climateecocide emergencyis wouldan requireever-present usand toexistential modifythreat — countries on the laws;front existinglines regulationsof willenvironmental notcrisis saveespecially thedeserve planeta legal recourse.
It"Ecocide" iscomes admirablefrom toa devotelong sotradition muchof timeclimate change and effortenvironmental alarmism, dating to developing the notionhyperbolic "eco-catastrophe" rhetoric of ecocide,the butlate it1960s. isIt's farone fromthing acceptable to everyone.discuss Thesome definitioncommon-sense needsadaptation additionalapproaches work.to However,a thechanging exerciseenvironment, hasbut alwaysit's had a symbolicslippery natureslope becauseto itindulge isin unlikelyapocalyptic thatenvironmental two-thirdscatastrophizing ofthat statehas partiesreal willlegal approveand anpolicy ecocide amendmentimplications. ThoseIt's statesfar mostmore proneeffective to ecocidego woulddown likelya rejectpath theof amendment.thoughtful Additionally,analysis the US, China, India, and Russia,pragmatic which are not signatories to the ICC, further complicate the situationsolutions.