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Snapshot 3:Tue, Sep 3, 2024 7:09:38 PM GMT last edited by MattKalman

At Least 12 Migrants Die Trying to Cross Channel to England

At Least 12 Migrants Die CrossingTrying Englishto Cross Channel to England

Above: Migrants in May 2024 were picked up in the English Channel by the Border Force. Image copyright: Dan Kitwood/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, at least 12 migrants died Tuesday and two are missing after their boat capsized off the coast of France while trying to cross the English Channel to England.French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told reporters that at least 12 migrants died Tuesday and two are missing after their boat capsized off the coast of France while trying to cross the English Channel to England.

  • The boat, which was carrying dozens of migrants, was first spotted by a French government-operated ship, with the French Navy deployed for a search and rescue mission that is still ongoing.

  • Before Tuesday's capsizing, 30 migrants had died this year while attempting to cross the Channel. This is out of 2,109 who have made the journey this year, which follows the 21,615 who made the journey last year.

The Spin

The British government is to blame for this tragedy. For years, theit British government has responded to eachreports reportedof migrant deathdeaths with renewed calls for tougher border security, resulting in asylum seekers taking even more dangerous boat journeys. TheseThose migrants, who are fleeing war and persecution, will continue to attempt these trips noand matter what, so it's up to French and British authorities to provideadopt apolicies safethat passageprevent waythese rather than lett them drown at seadisasters.

WhileMass newspapersmigration vigorouslyis coverreshaping sadBritish storiescommunities aboutinto boatsAfrican capsizingand Middle Eastern ones, theybut refusethe tomedia reportrefuses thatto masscover migrationit isas reshapingmuch Britishas communitiesit intocovers Africanthese andtypes Middleof Eastern onestragedies. TheseMigrants migrants make up a disproportionate number of homeless people, murderers, and gang rapistscriminals, as well as squeeze native Englishmen out of an already struggling housing market, and must be kept out of the country.

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