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Snapshot 3:Tue, Aug 20, 2024 12:54:24 PM GMT last edited by Vandita

US Intelligence: Iran Tried to Hack Trump, Harris Campaigns

US AgenciesIntelligence: Confirm Iran HackedTried to Hack Trump, CampaignHarris Campaigns

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The Facts

  • US agencies Monday confirmed that Iran had carried out “activities to compromise former President Trump’s campaign” to "influence the US election process.”US intelligence agencies have accused Iran of carrying out "activities to compromise former President Trump's campaign" to "influence the US election process."

  • Iran's efforts included "thefts and disclosures," said the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency.In a joint statement Monday, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said Tehran's efforts included "thefts and disclosures."

  • The hackers reportedly broke into the email accounts of senior Trump campaign officials in June and allegedly leaked campaign documents to media outlets.The US claims that the Iran-backed hackers broke into the email accounts of senior Trump campaign officials in June and leaked campaign documents to media outlets.

The Spin

Tehran's sophisticated cyber tactics against the US election process blend direct hacking of government networks and disinformation campaigns. Iran's influence extends beyond cyberspace, embedding itself in media, religious centers, and political lobbies. This multifaceted approach aimsmanipulates to manipulate public opinion, shapeshapes policy decisions, and undermineundermines electoral integrity.

OnceThese anallegations enthusiasticsmearing advocateIran forare publicizingnothing hackedbut materialsdisinformation, Donaldas TrumpTehran has dramaticallyno shiftedinvolvement hisin stance.the HeUS haspresidential routinelyelection celebratedand leakedhas Democraticnever documents,engaged proclaiming, "Ior loveplanned Wikileaks."to However,take Trump'spart team vehementlyin opposes the publication of any stolen informationcyber-attacks. ThisThe starkIslamic reversalRepublic highlightsonly thehas complexdefensive interplaycyber betweencapabilities politics,to cybersecurity,foil andoperations mediaagainst ethicsits in the digital ageinfrastructure.

TheOnce Trumpan campaign'senthusiastic handlingadvocate offor anpublicizing allegedhacked Iranianmaterials, hackDonald Trump has raiseddramatically eyebrowsshifted andhis concernsstance. DespiteHe beinghas awareroutinely ofcelebrated theleaked breachDemocratic documents, theyproclaiming, failed"I tolove reportWikileaks." itHowever, toTrump's lawteam enforcementvehemently andopposes acknowledgedthe itpublication onlyof whenany pressedstolen about leaked documentsinformation. NotThis onlystark didreversal thishighlights potentiallythe hampercomplex ainterplay swiftbetween probepolitics, butcybersecurity, otherand campaignsmedia were also denied crucial informationethics.

The Trump campaign's handling of an alleged Iranian hack has raised eyebrows and concerns. Despite being aware of the breach, they failed to report it to law enforcement and acknowledged it only when pressed about leaked documents. Not only did this potentially hamper a swift probe, but other campaigns were also denied crucial information.

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