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UK Riots: Multiple People Arrested for Social Media Posts

Image copyright: Finnbarr Webster/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images Europe

The Facts

  • In July, three British children were stabbed to death by a British native of Rwandan descent. After that ignited protests and riots, Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced a new initiative made up of specialist officers to address the demonstrations against immigrant communities.

  • In addition, a 15-year-old boy who was sentenced for rioting was among 50 minors who've been charged for their roles in recent riots.

  • A British woman Wednesday was sentenced to 15 months in prison over a Facebook comment in which she said mosques shouldn't be protected and should be "blown up." This comes amid a wave of arrests over social media use in the UK in the aftermath of the stabbing of three girls in Southport and subsequent protests and riots.

The Spin

The UK's dark underbelly of racism has been raging out of control, so obviously the government must prosecute those behind any violence to the full extent of the law. Arrests alone, however, won't solve the social problems that plague UK society. In addition to incarcerating those who engage in anti-immigrant and violent behavior, the UK must invest time and resources into educating Brits while promoting empathy and tolerance toward immigrant communities.

This is the UK’s two-tiered justice system on full display, as the government callously cracks down on disaffected British patriots and turns a blind eye to migrant crime. For decades, the British people have voiced their concerns over an unending wave of immigration that has led to a massive rise in violent crime. Instead of listening to its citizens, the government has criminalized dissent.

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