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Report: Murdoch Family in Legal Battle Over Future Editorial Stance

Above: Rupert Murdoch (L) and Lachlan Murdoch on July 13, 2017 in Sun Valley, Idaho. Image copyright: Drew Angerer/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to documents obtained by The New York Times, Rupert Murdoch is engaged in a legal battle with three of his children over the future of his media holdings after his death.

  • The 93-year-old patriarch of the Murdoch family is reportedly looking to amend an irrevocable family trust to give complete control of voting powers and decision-making to his eldest son, Lachlan.

  • With an estimated value of $19.5B, Murdoch's media empire is controlled by a trust reportedly shared by Rupert’s four eldest children — Lachlan, James, Elisabeth, and Prudence. Rupert allegedly wants to grant its exclusive control to Lachlan to preserve a (right-leaning) editorial stance.

The Spin

Left narrative

Even in the final years of his life, Rupert Murdoch puts his far-right political agenda above everything else. The 93-year-old mogul forfeited his relationship with three of his children to ensure that Lachlan had complete control of his media empire. Murdoch-controlled Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have raked in cash by pushing right-wing propaganda, and the elder Murdoch doesn't want to risk his sacred cash cow, even if it means losing his own children.

Right narrative

Rupert Murdoch spent his entire life building up the empire we see today, and he has every right to ensure that his legacy continues. Fox News and other Murdoch companies have become the leading outlets of conservative media, and maintaining a right-leaning editorial position is wise both financially and ethically. Lachlan Murdoch is the only heir who can continue his father's vision, and his siblings aren't entitled to subvert Rupert's wishes for his empire.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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