US Pres. Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday to temporarily shut down the US-Mexico border any time the average number of daily crossings into the US breach over 2.5K, and reopen two weeks after daily crossings drop to 1.5K for seven days straight.
White House officials said the order would allow the deportation of any migrants whose asylum claims don't meet the "credible fear" requirement, although there will be exceptions for unaccompanied minors.
Biden signed the order despite legal advisors voicing concerns over the likelihood of it being blocked by the courts. On the flip side, other senior advisors reportedly urged him to sign it to show that he's working to fix immigration issues.
Biden has tried for three years now to codify his desired immigration policies into law, but Republicans have blocked his attempts even when their own party members voted in favor. Despite these obstacles, Biden has still seized record amounts of illicit drugs and deployed historic numbers of troops to the border. With this executive order, he has proven once again his willingness to protect the country as GOP congressmen sit on their hands.
This executive order is a last-minute facade created by the same administration responsible for the border crisis. Even members of former liberal Pres. Barack Obama's circle have said that 1K illegal crossings per day was a "bad number" that "overwhelms the system." As for the so-called bipartisan bill the White House keeps mentioning, most Republicans were against it because it quite literally legalized illegal immigration.
A Democratic president should be helping, not hurting, those who seek a better life in America, but instead, Biden is playing politics and returning the country to the day of ineffective, racist border policies prior to the election. Biden should be pouring money into streamlining the application process instead of toughening restrictions on vulnerable immigrants seeking asylum.