Netanyahu to Address US Congress on July 24

Image copyright: Antonio Masiello/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before a joint meeting of US Congress on July 24, congressional leaders announced on Thursday.

  • The announcement comes four days after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said that no date had been set for Netanyahu's address.

  • An earlier speculated date of June 13 was avoided because it falls on a Jewish holiday, and US Pres. Joe Biden will attend a G-7 summit on that day.

The Spin

Pro-Palestine narrative

Inviting Netanyahu to address the US Congress amid the Gaza violence goes against the very grain of the US' founding ideals. How will America's representatives answer questions on the extensive civilian casualties and displacement caused by Israel's actions? Especially with the disproportionate impact on women, children, and the elderly.

Pro-Israel narrative

There has never been a more critical moment for the US to stand by the state of Israel as the besieged nation fights terror on its terms. America will reinforce its traditional solidarity with Israel by having Netanyahu speak to its representatives. The ultimate aim — the defense of democracy — must never be lost sight of.

Narrative C

Netanyahu's address to the US Congress has put Pres. Biden and other Democrats in a delicate position — balancing support for Israel with acknowledging the Gaza tragedy. The event is a politically charged move by Republicans to expose divisions within the Democratic caucus.

Metaculus Prediction

The Controversies

Establishment split



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