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Giuliani Among 11 to Plead Not Guilty in Arizona Election Case

Image copyright: Joe Raedle/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Rudy Giuliani, ex-lawyer for former Pres. Donald Trump, and 10 other Republicans on Tuesday pleaded not guilty in a Maricopa County court to criminal charges related to an alleged plan to falsely certify that Trump won Arizona in the 2020 presidential election.

  • Democrat Joe Biden won the state by more than 10K votes.

  • Giuliani is accused of making false statements about Arizona officials' competence in counting votes and spreading false claims of election fraud. Prosecutors also claim he pressured Maricopa County officials and state legislators to change the outcome of the election.

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

The chickens are coming home to roost for Republicans nationwide who spread — and in some cases continue to spread — lies about the 2020 presidential election. There are now co-conspirators charged in four states, including Arizona. These people didn't just break the law, they sowed doubt about the legitimacy of elections and institutions, and it's important they face the consequences.

Pro-Trump narrative

Cases like this one — which are happening across the country — are blatant election interference by those trying to stop Trump from returning to the presidency. Every American has First Amendment rights, including the right to object to election results. These cases should all be thrown out of court.

Metaculus Prediction

The Controversies

Establishment split



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