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Report: Daily Wire Obtains Gag Order Against Candace Owens

Image copyright: Jason Davis/Contributor/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to a report by journalist Glenn Greenwald on the platform Locals, the right-leaning media outlet The Daily Wire has obtained a gag order against former host Candace Owens, who left the company in March.

  • The Daily Wire reportedly obtained the order after accusing Owens of violating a contractual "non-disparagement clause," citing her public offer to debate former colleague Ben Shapiro and saying she "liked" several X posts criticizing the company.

  • The order bars Owens from calling for a debate, suggesting such a debate would expose the company's "priorities," or uttering any further disparaging comments about the company.

The Spin

Narrative A

The company that built its brand on promoting free speech and debate has, through a secret arbitration hearing, shielded itself from having to engage in free speech and debate. They fired one of their most popular hosts over a disagreement on Israel, but they then publicly accepted the debate, and now they're legally muzzling Owens so she can't expose their fraudulent enterprise.

Narrative B

As Candace Owens has gained more notoriety, she's decided to use her platform to defend virulent antisemites like Kanye West, blame Israel for defending itself, and direct antisemitic dog whistles — such as 'Christ is King' — at Ben Shapiro when he calls her out online. Owens' career has been built on bullying racial and religious groups rather than thoughtful, intellectual commentary.

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