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Snapshot 4:Thu, May 2, 2024 7:56:20 PM GMT last edited by MattKalman

Colombia Severing Diplomatic Ties With Israel

Colombia ToSevering Sever Diplomatic Ties With Israel Over Gaza War

Image copyright: Adam Gray/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Colombian Pres. Gustavo Petro Wednesday announced severing diplomatic ties with Israel over the Gaza war and "for having a genocidal president."

  • Colombian Pres. Gustavo Petro Wednesday announced severing diplomatic ties with Israel over the Gaza war, and called its president and government "genocidal."

The Spin

Actions to isolate Israel faceswill increasingonly isolationhurt in the internationalcountries communitythat choose to cut ties. But Israel's history of isolation hasn't hindered its growth, andas the nation has prioritized its own interests, especially in the matters of defense. Despite international alienation, Israel remains resolute in itsdoing actions.what Theit world'sneeds lossto indo cuttingto ties with Israel will be significantsurvive.

TheIsrael's listunrestrained ofviolence countriesin thatGaza havehas eitherbeen recalledcompared ambassadorsto orapartheid severedand diplomaticmakes tiesit withsubjected Israelto isaccountability onlyby Israelicourts, unrestrainedso violenceit's inno Gazasurprise hasthe beenlist comparedof tocountries apartheidrightly andcutting subjectedties towith accountabilityIsrael inis international courtsgrowing. Yet,It's time for the US and someother Western allies have yet to pressure Israel enough for it to change course significantly.

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