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New York Times Accuses Biden of Avoiding Interviews

Image copyright: Kevin Dietsch/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The New York Times on Thursday released a statement claiming that US Pres. Joe Biden "has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews with independent journalists than virtually all of his predecessors."

  • The statement further claimed that "systematically avoiding interviews and questions" not only "undermine[s] an important norm" but also "establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use."

  • The statement coincided with a Politico report on an alleged tense relationship between Biden and the paper. The report said Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger was mad about a lack of access to the president and he "quietly encourages all the tough reporting on his age."

The Spin

Right narrative

Even after being called out by the Times, Biden continued to duck hard questioning and instead sat down for a softball chat with Stern. By avoiding a wider array of established journalistic entities, Biden is ducking accountability for his policies and failing to prove he's competent to serve a second term. The left-leaning "paper of record" is late to a realization that has long been known.

Left narrative

Biden isn't the only one running for president this year who's avoiding difficult interviews. Former Pres. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, also limits his accessibility to outlets he deems as friendly. Regardless of the effect this has on the election, it's simply a reality of the modern media landscape.

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