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Snapshot 6:Mon, Apr 22, 2024 2:08:07 PM GMT last edited by NickBurk

Croatia: HDZ Party Wins Most Seats, Not Majority

Croatia: HDZ Party Wins Most Seats, Not Majority

Image copyright: Andreena Campeanu/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Croatia's ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party has won 61 of the 151 assembly seats. The center-left Social Democrats (SD) party won 42 seats, the right-wing nationalist Homeland Movement secured 14, an ultra-conservative party took 11, and the green-left won 10.

  • Without a majority, even when combined with

The Spin

Plenković has made poor decisions regarding ministerial appointments, leaving his party vulnerable to the emerging far-right in the country. However, if he stops playing "who's the bigger alpha male" with Milanović, he can still bring together center-left parties to deter xenophobic, anti-EU populists.

After dominating Croatian politics since 1991, the HDZ is showing signs of weakness. Not only has the patriotic Homeland Movement gained two seats, but the liberal SDP is also tired of the status quo. A significant bipartisan faction of anti-EU parties can now use their popularity to stop the EU's disastrous gender, climate, and migration policies.

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