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Trump: Abortion Rights a 'State Issue'

Image copyright: Scott Olson/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • In a video Monday, former Pres. Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election, said abortion rights should be left up to legislation at the state level and "whatever they decide must be the law of the land, and in this case, the law of the state."

  • Trump added, "it is all about the will of the people" in the video, which was posted on his Truth Social platform.

  • Previously in a March radio interview, Trump didn't reject the idea of a 15-week (early in the second trimester) national abortion ban, but in the same interview he said that legal scholars agree "it's a state issue."

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

Trump has skillfully struck a balance on this issue. He's moderating the party's viewpoint in an effort to court enough voters that help Republicans defeat Democrats in elections and create the culture Republicans want. Trump also hasn't ruled out a potential 15-week federal ban once he's in office.

Republican narrative

Trump is rarely wrong, but he's missing the mark by not fighting harder for a federal limit on late-term abortions that's popular in polling. This isn't about geography, it's about protecting the life of an unborn child, and polling shows a limit of 15 weeks at minimum is what the American people want. Trump should rethink his stance.

Democratic narrative

Trump's announcement is incoherent and leaves numerous unanswered questions, including whether he would sign a federal ban and what his position is on medical abortion. No one is going to forget his role in overturning Roe — which he brags about — or the restrictions that decision brought, so he's not fooling anyone with this video.

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