US Announces $5.9B in Aid to Ukraine

Above: Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy (L) and US Pres. Joe Biden (R) meet at the Oval Office of the White House on Sept. 26, 2024. Image copyright: Saul Loeb/Contributor/AFP via Getty Images

The Facts

  • With less than a month remaining of Pres. Joe Biden's administration, the US announced $5.9B of further packages of military and budgetary aid to Ukraine on Monday.

  • In a statement announcing nearly $2.5B of military aid packages across two streams, Biden said the move was intended "to provide Ukraine with the support it needs to prevail," adding: "I've directed my administration to continue surging as much assistance to Ukraine as quickly as possible — including drawing down older U.S. equipment for Ukraine."

  • Biden's announcement includes $1.25B of military aid from existing stockpiles, while a further $1.22B funds an additional Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) package — Biden's last of his time in office.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

With a month left of his administration, Pres. Biden is doing all he can to leave Ukraine in the best possible position to prevail against Russia, particularly with the administration of Pres.-elect Donald Trump on the way. He and his team have indicated that they wanted a speedy end to the war and for US aid to be diminished.

Pro-Ukraine narrative

While Biden's latest announcement is a vast sum of money and is hugely appreciated by Ukraine, it's met with a slightly mixed reception. Had such weapons announcements been made months earlier, when Ukraine was calling for them, they could have made a real difference in the war — but it is now months later.

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