Pavel Durov, founder and chief executive officer of the messaging app Telegram, was reportedly arrested at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris on Saturday evening.
The 39-year-old billionaire — due to appear in court on Sunday — was taken into custody by the National Anti-Fraud Office investigators after he arrived in France from Azerbaijan on his private jet.
Durov is paying the price for his refusal to censor truth at the behest of governments and provide an alternative to US-owned platforms commercially exploiting users' data. His arrest is politically motivated and aimed at gaining access to the personal information of Telegram users. The West criticizes Russia for blocking free speech, but in Durov's case, it wasn't Moscow but a US ally that arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech.
It's one thing to protect users' privacy and freedom of speech and another to allow militants and organized criminals to discreetly communicate on Telegram and spread neo-Nazi, pedophilic, conspiratorial, and terrorist content. By basing itself in the UAE, the "neutral" app has successfully shielded itself from moderation laws. However, it's time to bring the curtain on Telegram's impunity and make it answerable for hosting violent, far-right channels.