Report: Individuals in US and Israel Made Donations to Groups Blocking Aid to Gaza

Above: Protesters block humanitarian aid to enter Gaza on February 6, 2024 in Kerem Shalom, Israel. Image copyright: Amir Levy/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Associated Press and the Israeli investigative site Shomrim found that three groups that have blocked aid from entering Gaza have raised more than $200K in tax-deductible donations from individuals in the US and Israel. Both countries have said they are committed to getting food, water, and medicine into Gaza.

  • Last month, the US placed sanctions on Tzav 9, which it accused of being an "extremist" group that had blocked aid convoys destined for Gaza — citing an incident in May when members of the group looted and then set fire to two trucks in the West Bank loaded with aid.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The US is committed to countering extremist Israeli groups that actively work against American and Israeli values. The US has consistently called for more aid to enter Gaza and has placed sanctions on fringe groups that attempted to thwart that humanitarian objective.

Pro-Israel narrative

The focus on fringe extremist groups in Israel by the media and Biden administration demonstrates a clear detachment from reality. The primary groups exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza are Hamas and Hezbollah — as the infrequent acts of groups in Israel have not had a significant impact on aid delivery.

Pro-Palestine narrative

It should be clear after over nine months of grinding brutality that Israel's true goal is to destroy Gaza and starve its people. Though the US and Israel say they want to ease the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, little meaningful action has been taken to improve the situation. The US must force Israel to finally stop this horrific war.

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