Ethics Panel: Gaetz Paid for Sex, Drugs While in Congress

Above: Former US Rep. Matt Gaetz Image copyright: Wally Skalij/Contributor/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A US House Ethics Committee report released Monday detailed findings of a years-long investigation into former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), concluding there was substantial evidence of misconduct — including prostitution, drug use, and statutory rape.

  • The 37-page report found that Gaetz made payments totaling more than $90K to 12 different women between 2017 and 2020, which investigators determined were likely connected to sexual activity and drug use.

  • According to testimony, Gaetz engaged in sexual activity with a 17-year-old girl at a party in 2017, providing her $400, which she understood to be payment for sex. However, investigators found no evidence he knew her age at the time.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Considering the Department of Justice didn't see fit to charge Gaetz with any crimes after its own investigation, the decision to release this report is nothing more than a politically motivated smear job. The report relies too much on the testimony of a convicted felon, setting a dangerous precedent for releasing the results of future House probes under similarly smarmy circumstances.

Democratic narrative

While it would take another criminal investigation to fully prove Gaetz is guilty of the accusations in this report, his efforts to prevent the results' release paint him as a man with something to hide. It should be noted that two Republicans joined with Democrats in authorizing the report's release. Even if he won't face criminal charges, at least Gaetz's political career is now off track.

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