Afghanistan: Taliban Arrests Girls for Violations of Hijab Rules

Image copyright: Majid Saeedi/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Taliban have detained dozens of young women across the Afghan capital, Kabul, in the past week, reportedly for "spreading and encouraging others to wear a bad hijab."

  • According to a senior Taliban spokesperson, a group of women involved in "modeling" had been briefly detained and "advised in front of their family," adding that none of the women were imprisoned.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Since retaking control of Afghanistan after the US military's withdrawal in August 2021, the Taliban have expedited their war against women. Their so-called dress code is inherently discriminatory, amounts to gender persecution, and violates women's fundamental rights, including freedom of opinion and expression. The latest operation in Kabul just intends to crack down on women and girls still bravely working in sectors like health and primary education.

Establishment-critical narrative

Contrary to Western propaganda, the Taliban respect and protect women, and are punishing a limited few who are attempting to pollute young minds and create divisions in Afghan society by improperly wearing the Islamic headscarf. Ironically, the wearing of a hijab is being de-contextualized and misrepresented by the West, which treats the rights of women in Afghanistan differently than the rights of women elsewhere in the world.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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