US Brings Charges Over PRC Fentanyl Distribution

Image copyright: US Department of Justice

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, the US Dept. of (DOJ) charged eight Chinese companies and 12 executives for their alleged role in the production and trafficking of fentanyl into the United States.

  • As part of eight separate indictments, the DOJ alleges the accused of producing fentanyl and methamphetamine, supplying precursor chemicals, and distributing synthetic opioids. Speaking at a news conference, Attorney General Merrick Garland said the global fentanyl supply chain "often" starts in China.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Because of China, opioids are making their way into the biggest cities and the smallest towns throughout the US and they’re costing innocent lives. Obviously, the US has to better secure its Southern border, but also Beijing must be prohibited from preventing such deadly chemicals from reaching North America.

Pro-China narrative

Blaming China is the easy option, but the US should look within. While Washington is pointing fingers at Beijing, the US homemade fentanyl crisis is growing due to the influence of Big Pharma and other money-driven interests. The US should take care of its own business and leave the PRC out of this discussion.

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