UK: Minister Warns of 'Epidemic' of Children Being Told They're Trans

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The Facts

  • Kemi Badenoch, the UK's Women and Equalities Minister, told the House of Commons on Wednesday that Britain is facing an "epidemic" of gay children being told that they are transgender, and warned of a "new form of conversion therapy" that she claimed sterilizes young children.

  • Building on a promise initially made under Theresa May, Badenoch has pledged to publish draft legislation banning so-called conversion therapy, alleging that gay children face a new threat of conversion, not related to their sexuality, but to their gender identity.

The Spin

Conservative narrative

Across the West, young children are having their innocence and identities stripped by radical ideologues championing a warped view of gender and sexuality. Sexual orientation and physical sex are two distinct things, and it is medically and morally wrong to push gay children towards questioning their gender identity. Badenoch is a hero in the battle against radical gender ideology and is right in calling out the scourge of transgenderism on impressionable gay children.

Progressive narrative

Kemi Badenoch has showed her true colors by spreading vile anti-LGBTQ rhetoric before the House of Commons. She has explicitly claimed that transgender youth don't have a valid identity and shouldn't receive the affirming medical care that they need to transition. Trans rights are under attack in the UK, and Badenoch's rhetoric shows that there's a long way to go to achieve equal rights for LGBTQ minorities.

Metaculus Prediction

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