Tennessee Ban on Trans Procedures for Minors Brought to SCOTUS

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The Facts

  • The families of three transgender youths and a doctor have asked SCOTUS to block Tennessee's ban on transgender procedures for minors — a case that, if taken on by the court, would be the first time it weighs in on the issue of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex change surgeries for children.

  • The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Wednesday also petitioned SCOTUS to review a September decision by the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals that allowed Kentucky and Tennessee to enforce their laws prohibiting sex change procedures for people under 18 years of age.

The Spin

Left narrative

Three brave transgender teens in Tennessee are standing up for their right to necessary medical treatment in the face of right-wing lawmakers who seek to deny their identity. Gender-affirming care is a medical necessity for thousands of trans youths throughout the nation, yet Republicans seek to deny equal protection to the LGBTQ+ community. The court must affirm their right to the care they need.

Right narrative

Tennessee has taken action to protect children — who cannot smoke, drink, or sign a legal contract — from undergoing life-altering procedures that are unsafe, untested, and can cause long-term physical and fertility issues. Many states are rightly refusing to appease gender ideologues at the expense of America's youth, and their efforts have been upheld by Appeals Courts. Laws protecting children must be enforced.

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