Pope: Being Gay is a Sin, Not a Crime

Image copyright: Associated Press

The Facts

  • Pope Francis, speaking to the Associated Press, has criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust,” adding that “being homosexual isn’t a crime.”

  • But Francis reaffirmed the Catholic teaching that homosexuality is a "sin." In a divergence from previous popes, Francis also said that discriminating against LGBTQ+ people is sinful.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

Pope Francis was already more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community than his predecessors, and these words are a historic step toward further acceptance by the Church. Although the Church still might not be as open as it should be, Francis’ words could save lives in places where there are severe consequences for LGBTQ+ populations. Francis’ words come just as he’s about to make a historic visit to Africa where these rights are under threat.

Conservative narrative

While the LGBTQ+ community shouldn't be discriminated against, Francis’ continued pushing of the LGBTQ+ agenda is remaking Catholic teaching into another body espousing progressive ideology under the guise of traditionalism. There is no middle ground. The Church has nearly two millennia of teachings on the issue, and Francis’ attempt to reverse this is a repudiation of Catholic doctrine.

Metaculus Prediction

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