Microsoft Claims China-Sponsored Hackers Targeted Infrastructure

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The Facts

  • Tech giant Microsoft on Wednesday claimed in an advisory that a state-backed Chinese hacking group has continually tried to compromise US cyberinfrastructure in a variety of sectors.

  • Microsoft accused with “moderate confidence” the group it called "Volt Typhoon" of developing capabilities to disrupt vital communication infrastructure between the US and Asia during times of crisis.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

While countries such as Iran, Russia, and North Korea have often attempted to disrupt via cyber-attacks, China has largely kept to simple espionage. Consequently, the potential move by China to build the foundations of damaging communication services between the US and Asia is worrying. Volt Typhoon’s methods of gaining information are in line with previous Chinese examples, and the West must brace for the possibility of a potential cyber war.

Pro-China narrative

The murky relationship between Microsoft and the US government makes this advisory no more than propaganda. As Edward Snowden revealed, America is home to the largest hacking empire in the world. Western companies, media, and intelligence services all play a part in continuing to distract the world from their own wrongdoings by pointing the finger at China.

Metaculus Prediction

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