Hong Kong: Same-Sex Couples Awarded Public Housing Rights

Image copyright: Anthony Kwan/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, a Hong Kong court ruled that same-sex couples had the right to rent and own public housing, striking down existing government policies it termed "discriminatory in nature."

  • Upholding two previous rulings backing subsidized housing benefits to same-sex couples, the court said the Housing Authority's policies violated the constitutional right to equality, adding the differential treatment is "a more severe form of indirect discrimination than most cases."

The Spin

Left narrative

The Hong Kong court's ruling will go a long way in easing the lives of the city's LGBTQ+ community. The government must bear responsibility for institutionalizing a more liberal approach to the rights of same-sex couples and use its power to end entrenched discrimination.

Right narrative

Acknowledging same-sex unions as "marriage" undermines the traditional institution in Hong Kong. It undercuts the concept of family as initiated through traditional marriages. It is important to recognize long-standing and historical values of custom and culture.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split