Alabama AG: State Can Prosecute Those Who Assist Out-of-State Abortion

Image copyright: Library of Congress [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Facts

  • According to a court filing by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, the state has the authority to prosecute those who help women leave Alabama for out-of-state abortions.

  • Marshall submitted the filing asking a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit brought by pro-abortion advocacy groups, which claims that prosecuting people who help women travel for out-of-state abortions violates their constitutional rights.

The Spin

Left narrative

Alabama continues to show why it's one of the most oppressive states as its attorney general doubles down on his power to determine what a conspiracy is and punish those who help a woman travel out of the state to exercise her reproductive rights. Alabama cannot impose its anti-choice laws on other states or restrict people's movements.

Right narrative

Despite claims to the contrary, Alabama has the legal authority to prosecute those who conspire to break its laws. Alabama isn’t trying to enforce its laws in other states or restrict women's movements; it's simply targeting conspiracies to break the law within the state’s borders. Alabama has rightly been at the forefront of protecting life and will continue to be.

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