WHO/UNICEF: ‘Perfect Storm’ Conditions Leading To Measles Surge

Image copyright: Getty Images [via CNN]

The Facts

  • The WHO and UNICEF have warned of a "perfect storm" of conditions that are causing an increase in measles cases by 80% worldwide compared to the same period last year.

  • The COVID pandemic has led to a diversion of resources, while conflicts around the globe have disrupted health care systems and forced people from their countries, leading to a decrease in immunizations in children.

The Spin

Right narrative

The overly sanitized conditions of life at home during pandemic lockdowns and school closures have significant blame for any uptick in child disease. Being locked down set back immune development for kids by keeping them from encountering pathogens they would ordinarily fight off.

Left narrative

There were always anti-vax hucksters, but COVID increased their ranks and social media helps them spread their misinformation with tragic results. Sure, locking down kids had an effect, as have disruptions in the health care systems, but the unlimited free speech of trolls and online goblins has done the most to pave the way for the return of measles.

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