Report: Navy Fugitive 'Fat Leonard' Seeks Asylum In Venezuela

Image copyright: Interpol Venezuela [via BBC]

The Facts

  • Venezuelan newspaper, Últimas Noticias, reported on Monday that Leonard Glenn Francis — the Malaysian defense contractor behind a Navy bribery scheme that reportedly conned the US military out of $35M — has expressed a desire to seek political asylum in the country.

  • Francis, known as "Fat Leonard," reportedly announced his wish to remain in Venezuela on medical and political grounds on Sept. 22, a day after he was arrested by Interpol at Caracas international airport as he readied to depart for Russia.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The "Fat Leonard" bribery case shines a light on how deceptive the establishment is in America. Despite conceivably being the largest US Navy corruption scandal ever, it has received little attention from Congress, the media, and think tanks because they all benefit from widespread corruption in Pentagon contracts. It's about time the American taxpayers work to combat this system.

Pro-establishment narrative

The federal response to this bribery and fraud scheme proves that US institutions are working against corruption and holding those who are guilty accountable — even Navy officials and defense contractors. The arrest of "Fat Leonard" at Caracas international airport was only possible due to alerts placed by US law enforcement agencies.

Establishment split



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