Pakistan: Court Indicts Former PM Imran Khan in Contempt Case

Image copyright: AFP [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • On Thurs., the Islamabad High Court ruled that it will indict former Pakistan PM Imran Khan for "criminal contempt of court" over comments against a lower court female judge.

  • This comes as the five-member panel decided that Khan failed to show any "remorse or regret" even in a revised response submitted on Wed. by his legal team.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Khan was right not to acknowledge wrongdoing. Pakistan's current legislative and judicial branches know that he remains immensely popular to the point where he may win the election, which is why they're trying to disqualify him before he has the chance to get back into office.

Pro-establishment narrative

Not only is Khan undermining the safety and legitimacy of Pakistan's ruling government and institutions, but he's chosen to tear the system apart when Pakistanis need strong governance in the face of its catastrophic floods. His actions are destroying the people's faith in their leaders and drawing concern from the international community.

Establishment split



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