Oath Keepers Member Pleads Guilty, Reveals Attempt to Contact Trump

Image copyright: AP [via Washington Post]

The Facts

  • William Todd Wilson, regional leader of the Oath Keepers militia group, has pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy and obstructing Congress' certification of the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021.

  • The North Carolina resident, who faces 40 years in jail at sentencing, is the third member of the Oath Keepers to plea to the sedition charge.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Bit by bit we're learning of the ties between groups that were instrumental in the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol, like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and their close ties to the Trump White House. This is a sign that the political attempt to stop the certification of the votes overlapped with the violent effort.

Pro-Trump narrative

It's absurd to call Jan. 6 a "seditious conspiracy" by unarmed citizens who largely committed no acts of violence. The Democrats are the anti-Americans, targeting patriotic citizens as "domestic terrorists."

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