House Ethics Committee Accuses Two Representatives of Misconduct

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The Facts

  • The House Committee on Ethics is investigating two lawmakers, Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) and Marie Newman (D-Illinois), for misconduct.

  • Newman allegedly bribed her former foreign policy advisor, offering him a job in exchange for not running against her in a prrimary.

The Spin

Right narrative

A concerning number of government officials, particularly democrats, abuse their office, considering themselves above the rules. In Newman's case, it was ironically political duplicity that got her into hot water - had she delivered on her illicit promise, she wouldn't be facing public trial.

Left narrative

Republican Rep. Lamborn faces a particularly long and unique list of credible claims about bizarre and unethical behavior -- the only unconsistencies have been between witness statements in his favor.

Cynical narrative

Many politicians from both parties commit ethics violations unpunished, demonstrating Congress' unwillingness to police itself. Better oversight is needed.

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