Health Panel: US Adults Need Routine Anxiety Screening

Image copyright: Washington Post illustration/Unsplash [via The Washington Post]

The Facts

  • Following the conclusion of a review that started before COVID, the US Preventive Services Task Force on Tuesday recommended that US doctors regularly screen all adults under 65 for anxiety.

  • Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health problems in the US. According to Lori Pbert, a task force member and co-author of the report, roughly 40% of women in the US, and more than one in four men, will face an issue with anxiety at some point in their lives.

The Spin

Right narrative

While it's good that society takes mental illness seriously, now even the most mundane irritations are hastily attributed to underlying clinical issues. "Safetyism," "microaggressions," "identity politics," and "intersectionality" have weakened people's resilience to the point that they can't cope with being offended or challenged. This rampant overdiagnosis needs to stop.

Left narrative

This isn't about so-called "overdiagnosis." There was a genuine and rapid rise in mental health pressures during the pandemic due to the virus and related stressors. Adults across the US are at risk, and proactive screening would help many receive the specialist care they require and deserve to protect their quality of life.

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