Rep. Mace Says GOP is Considering Impeaching Biden

Image copyright: The US White House via Wikimedia Commons

The Facts

  • On Sunday, during an appearance on "Meet the Press," Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) suggested to NBC's Chuck Todd that there is "pressure" for Republicans to move to impeach Pres. Biden if they gain control of the House after the midterm elections.

  • She claimed to oppose the move, adding that an impeachment vote would be divisive and that the House should instead focus on tackling hyperpartisanship and improving collaboration across party lines.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

It is crucial the GOP regains the majority in the House and moves to impeach Biden, just as the Democrats twice tried to impeach Trump. This is the only way he will be held accountable for his terrible administration, his careless withdrawal from Afghanistan, and his loose immigration policies - he has undermined the safety of Americans, been responsible for the loss of American lives and provoked a border crisis. Biden must go.

Democratic narrative

It's clear that voting for congressional GOP candidates in the 2022 midterms will be a vote for an unfounded impeachment campaign that even GOP leaders would like to avoid. Unlike Trump, Biden has not committed any crimes. Yet, Republicans will likely make this petty and vindictive impeachment campaign a priority, pushing for the same failed plan they had against Obama in 2014.

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